
Tourist exhibition in Belarus “Leisure-2023”


“Leisure-2023” is the biggest tourist exhibition in Belarus. It is an international business platform for countries, regions and tourist companies worldwide to present their services to the Belarusian market.

Visitors and participants have a unique opportunity to meet the representatives of world tourist associations and industry regulators, to find new clients and business partners, and also to learn about new industry trends by taking part in the exhibition business program. “Leisure-2023” appears to be an effective business platform for advertising tourist routes or new tours as well as for establishing new business contacts.

The presentation can be viewed at the link: https://belexpo.by/upload/medialibrary/09c/9qd17o076c3fkia8k6ron4w84fhd33rr/LEISURE-EXHIBITION-IN-MINSK.pdf

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